Emergency Relief Service
Providing vital Emergency Relief to many of our most vulnerable Western Sydney residents through a wide range of front-line services and organisations.
*Please Note: The WestCare Emergency Relief Service does not currently have a Public Drop-In facility following the Henry Street closure. We suggest contacting these local services for general enquiries from the Public:
Penrith Vinnies 8861 9770
Anglicare 8624 8600
Barnardo’s 4729 1211
Christ Mission Possible 1300HELP2U
Penrith City CARE KITS Program
Providing basic personal care items to people 'when needed the most' right across the Nepean region, it has been said that the Penrith City Care Kits initiative has "changed the caring landscape of the city".
A variety of Kits catering for all ages from newborn infants to the elderly are supplied to Nepean Hospital social workers, Domestic Violence refuges, health centre counsellors, school chaplains, youth workers and numerous other charities and services.
To support this special initiative financially please visit the Donate Now page (donations are tax-deductible). To donate products (in small or large quantities) to be distributed in our Penrith City Care Kits please contact the WestCare team.
Working closely with other member organisations of the Nepean Domestic Violence Network, the ‘Fresh Start Go!’ project was created to make a meaningful difference to families affected by domestic violence. Initiatives include:
Refuge Crisis Accommodation for Women with Children
Nepean HomeStart support for severely affected DV families
Specialised care aids and practical home service support to the most vulnerable
1000 Safe Sleeps
The WestCare '1000 Safe Sleeps' project provides short term crisis stays for women and children who are fleeing dark and violent home situations as local specialised case workers support them into a brighter future.
This project, like every WestCare activity, is 100% funded by generous community donations and support. All Donations are Tax-Deductible. Please consider supporting this vital initiative today! WestCare.org.au/Donate
Please Note - WestCare's 1000 Safe Sleeps crisis accommodation clients are placed by specialised local DV services.
Nepean HomeStart Program
A high percentage of people taking up new housing tenancies after periods of serious homelessness have few, if any domestic possessions and very limited financial resources.
Selected local Housing Service partners apply to WestCare on behalf of qualifying high-need, previously chronically-homeless families in Penrith. If the application is successful, the aim is that the pack be provided on the first day they move into their new residence, and that while meeting some immediate needs, it can also help to create a sustainable sense of home and belonging, ultimately assisting to prevent future homelessness.
Penrith Men’s Walk & talk
It is our highest honour to auspice this local phenomenon!
Come and join a bunch of like-minded men for a weekly walk and talk with FREE COFFEE — Friendly and non-judgmental -- Every Thursday evening, start and finish at The Coffee Club Nepean River
March to October: Meet from 5PM for a 6PM Walk
November to February: Meet from 6PM for a 7PM Walk.
Providing Student Wellbeing worker support and practical initiatives for local kids and their families, primary and high School Breakfasts, partnering support for the NSW Youth Week Monumental Festival and many other activities — WestCare Youth Services exists to champion the future and hope of the emerging generation of Penrith!
WestCare Christmas Appeal
The financial and emotional challenges of the Christmas season can be particularly taxing for struggling families and individuals.
The WestCare Christmas Appeal is 100% donation funded in the lead-up to Christmas by generous members of the public, local fundraising activities and contributing businesses. We aim to provide carefully sourced, high-need local families with some Christmas cheer through hampers, gift packs and toys who might otherwise not really have a Christmas experience.
In 2023 we worked with over 40 local organisations to locate a broad range of our most vulnerable and challenged local residents including schools, domestic violence services, cancer support organisations, the homeless, high-need Nepean Hospital wards, Indigenous family preservation teams and many others.
The WestCare Op Shop
9:00am – 4pm MONDAY to Friday
10 Bringelly Road, Kingswood
The WestCare Op Shop in Bringelly Rd, Kingswood (opposite the Kingswood Post Office) is probably a little different than most Op Shops - at least that's the feedback from regular customers!
While there is a good range of seasonal second hand clothing and goods, many people through the years have found new friends and community connection through our friendly Volunteers.
Our Op Shop requires ongoing donations of clothing and small household goods so if you have items you wish to donate please drop them into the store, at Shop 2 / 10 Bringelly Rd in Kingswood or Contact Us for larger donations.
Work Development Orders
WestCare Community Services is an approved sponsor organisation for Work and Development Orders as outlined by Revenue NSW. Eligible individuals may qualify to pay off part or all of their relevant fines by completing certain activities through WestCare. For more information refer to the www.Revenue.nsw.gov.au website and if eligible please contact our office.